My dad and I arrived at Narita Airport on the 25th of March. It was about... 11AM ? (I actually can't tell because we were late and I set my camera at GMT+1... (/ω\)).
We were all excited, repeating "It's Japan !" to realize we were finally there until we got to know Aeroflot lost our luggages...
Luckily, Japanese people are kind and after filling the forms, we quickly stopped stressing over the loss.

We took the subway and after a looong ride, we arrived in Asakusa and I had time to take my first look at Japan.
Approaching the hostel, we realized our booking was in the luggages... We knew we stayed at Khaosan Tokyo, but there are 3 differents Khaosan in Asakusa...
We found one, they looked very busy but (Japanese kindness 。゚(T^T)゚。) listened to us. They let us use their computer to find where we booked and called Khaosan Tokyo Samuraï after we left to tell them we were on our way and we had lost our luggages

"I once saw someone get a hot coffee can from a vending machine in a drama".
My dad and I watch Japanese and Korean drama together, so I was happy to teach him something new. We tried at the first vending machine of the street (well, they are EVERYWHERE) and I saw his face turning "oww(・ε・)" suprised when his hand touched the can.

I seriously don't know who is the kid out of us. So I decided to be the one responsible of the money, Pasmo card (and its refills), passports, identity card, Japan Rail Pass and throughout the trip I realized I was the one in charge of ordering ... (u_u)

It was a good thing the shops were closing near the Sensô-ji, unless we wouldn't got back home because we were so hy-per ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ. We quickly got this feeling of home at Asakusa, even now we can only imagine ourself staying there.
Hope you're not bored already, Day 2 soon !
Nice entry ♥ did you like the guesthouse? I'm still looking for one for my next stay in Tokyo..
RépondreSupprimerYeah I really liked it~ Near the station, one street away of the Lawson and friendly people :). I'll probably put more pics in the next posts, but ask me if you're tempted!
SupprimerTokyoooo! It's so fun looking at you pics! :D the second picture with the buildings looks so familiar.. we called that "sculputure" on the roof top golden "unchi" ( because we thought it looks a little like ...poo... (ñ_ñ)) the Takoyaki looks delicious!!! and I loved all those vending machines XD
RépondreSupprimerYeah! At the end of the day we always said "getting back to the poo~" haha. And now I also miss these machines everywhere T^T
RépondreSupprimerthe last picture!!!!!!!! me wanna!!!!!!! XDDDD
Me wanna agaaain !!
SupprimerTakoyaki in Tokyo really is the best! I miss them lots, how long were you in Japan for?
RépondreSupprimerHope you're doing well!
Takoyaki in general are just so good ; _ ; Also missing them! I was there for 3 weeks :)
SupprimerThank your for commenting ♥
Takoyakiii <3 super yummy
RépondreSupprimersnack c:
Have a fun time in Japan!
Take care of yourself c;
OMG I would love to be there as well. Please post more pics. So in love with the post :)
Were you able to get your luggage back?! ;_; On the same day? I would of been so upset and devastated but I'm glad the Japanese people at the airport were so kind and comforting ... Looks like you guys had some fun on the first day, can't wait to see the second day!
RépondreSupprimerWe got it the second day in the evening, so we bought some necessary things ><
SupprimerThank for for the kind comment ♥ :D
I love the pictures! Makes me miss Tokyo though ;3; I can't wait to see more pictures!!
RépondreSupprimerAsakusa was one of my favorite spots! Many people, yes, but so lively and different atmosphere compared to some other places :D