This summer I've been working in the bakery of a supermarket...

Look at how sexy I was in my uniform
And the last day, there were no more French loaves and people were angry, direspectful... Well, hello, it's written " student" on my back, not Harry Potter ! The provider forgot them and I can't make them appear ! Why do you need to be so mean ?!
You can't imagine how happy I was when my bff, Joyce, texted me to say her mom was leaving and we could have a little party there ♥ (she just know everything !)

Belgians like to play stupid games to drink

Stupid bff taking me with her to the ground

Biting, or maybe eating my cheek

She had a belated birthday present for me this night, an iPhone penguin case. She left a cute/drunk message in saying she'll miss me at school (she graduated... I'm a failure, still there)

Still texting like a boss while being hugged

Sorry for the shitty quality of the pictures here. Only the first one was taken with my camera, I ran out of battery after this and had to use my iPhone (I also stole Joyce's pictures.)
Weuuh Il est bien cool votre uniforme chez Delhaize... quand tu vois ceux de chez carrefour, prends ton t-shirt xxl ouééé <<.
RépondreSupprimerOn a joué au roi qui boit à la mer autant dire que je suis pas sortie après 8D. Mais c'était fort drôle !
C'est surement pas votre dernière soirée hein xD. Z'avez l'air loin ! Ça me manque ce genre de soirée
Nous on fait des pyramides, le pigeon, ding ding bottle. Tout est bon pour boire. Vu que j'ai pris 3 à fonds de suite (donc, à verre rempli), pas étonnant que j'étais loin. Encore j'ai pas mis les photos où j'ai les rollers 1 taille trop petits de Joyce \o/
SupprimerSur ce, on need une cuite à deux~
I hate when costumers blame workers for things we can't really do anything about. Choose something else or leave! Don't lash out your anger on someone else who didn't do anything wrong!
RépondreSupprimerHahaha you look so cute dear :3