Well, not really. It officially starts on July 1st and we still have to get our diploma. But we don't have to go to school anymore, except for the parties.
Since I'm an economics student, I had to submit a business plan. Our teachers and external examiners acted like business angels to a fictional project which had a clear financial plan and so on.

François and my project-mate Gilles in the darkness of the room.

Over-stressed François was sitting next to me during the whole thing (  ̄っ ̄). But I respect his courage to do this alone.
When the teachers called our names, THREE whole classes of younger economics students entered the room 。(´д`lll) . It was swarming with people, some were standing.
But we did good and got our management licence (or business licence, I don't know how to English) ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ

June 4th was the last day of school before the exams. Boring but comfy outfit with my usual Lee jacket, a Billabong long sleeves t-shirt, Zara jeans, H&M shoes, and Roxy bag with a Domo-kun strap.

Last present to our law teacher. #nostalgic

Goodbye Dutch, I'm sorry I didn't get better thrhoughout the years. (Dutch readers please don't look at this) #nostalgic

The last time François could steal the cucumber and carrots I packed for morning break. #nostalgic

Last time talking with Salèna while on the computer. #nostalgic
Okay #nostalgic pictures stop here.

We took a last picture together. #nostalgic. Ok I stop.

I like the colour of my eyes here. The light makes it clearer, while they're usually shitty brown.

I put the table outside and it was time to study for my first exam, maths.

After my oral exam and before Salèna's oral exam in history.
It was the first time I was wearing a dress to school and I had comments like "So you have legs?!" hum, yes (=◇=;)

With Géraldine after the economics oral exam. I recycled the dress.

Going crazyy (((゜д゜;)))

Thibaut you're too tall and not classy enough for this exam

Gilles saying I'm the only woman for him haha (*^o^*). Just because I give him notes!

And finally it ended with physics exam on Tuesday. I was so glad to put jeans and hoodies again (‐^▽^‐)
Insert different events I'm gonna blog about later
And I got the final results on Friday!

We saw our law teacher outside the school, he had prepared notebooks for every one of his students.
e.g. the freestyler Pino got « Sports don't make you live older, it make you live younger », François something about smiling, Croce about taking off (he wants to enter the Air Force)
And mine is a Japanese proverb « You only grow older when you stop learning ».

We all met in the dining hall, and the director gave his speech. He said this year nobody failed, and even if you have exams to retake in June, it wouldn't be a lot, that this year was a good year and so on.
It has been four years I've exams to retake in September, and I'm so bad in chemistry.
He said he'll tell the names of the students who succeeded and the others will go to the board outside to see which exams didn't went well.
He said the name of a girl starting with Dag, mine starts with Dal, but at this moment I was sure he wouldn't say it. And I was SO surprised when he said my name I started crying.


My mom even made an appearance to drink the school's wine. Say hi to my mom (*^o^*)/~
Sally told me once it's always about my dad here -which is true- but I love her as much ♥

Reactions ⇈
I am now a proud graduate ready to leave Belgium (=⌒▽⌒=)
I'll talk about this soon~
Salut ♥ félicitations :)
RépondreSupprimerGiving you notebooks was very thoughtful of your teacher. I simply got a card on which it said ''good luck becoming a doctor'' and I don't even want to study medicine :D Have fun in Japan! (If I'm reading your facebook status correctly ;D)
Aww thank you for reading and commenting (^w^) (the French words made me smile ♥)
SupprimerYeah, we are lucky because other classes didn't get anything. But I guess it was even worse for you haha
Yes that's right, I'm going to Japan next year. (I really need to make a post about this!)
i just finshed School this month too. i'm going to austalia this year, enjoy Japan :)
RépondreSupprimerYou're spending a year abroad too? :D
SupprimerThank you! Have fun in Australia too :)