As rhétos, we have a lot of activites going on within the framework of school, as a rhéto trip or events. We also share a ugly hoodie (but we're responsible of its design (-。-;)).
And between the results and the graduation, our school held the usual BBQ. We had to bring a side dish or dessert, but the school bought meat and drinks.

The poor Salèna had to wait for me and then walk to school in these heels.

Sitting with my fav boys while enjoying a cocktail

Kaylee, the Canadian exchange student, was surprised the school was offering alcohol (´∀`) lol

Preparing a surprise present for Kaylee. Here take a view of my butt (^з^)-☆

Talking with the teachers for the last time (iДi)

I will miss sitting next to Sarah for biology and physics, and receiving her random compliments 。゚(T^T)゚。

The instruction was "Put out your bitch face, peace sign, show the food ". I talked a lot about fashion with Olivier this day (^∇^)

Changing shoes to play after eating too much ( ゚ ▽ ゚ ;)

Playing volleyball with the teachers

Or soccer

Or basketball

Or dancing

Or just doing nothing in the middle of this mess

Desseeeerts キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!

PigMorgane couldn't help it, Numan brought loukoum (☆。☆)

Croce was like "left foot", "right foot" hahaha

At about 8PM, we helped to put everything back in place

The teachers offered the remaining drinks and we went down to the plaine

But, well, we forgot to take some glasses and had to drink directly from the bag-in-box

And that's how it started

Olivier probably enjoyed it the most (I think he has a thing for Gilles who, sadly, is straight)

Emptying the wine in the current. It was still clear at 11PM (・_・)
Oo, looks like you had such a fun time at the BBQ! Thanks for sharing! <3
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