I'm sorry. I went skiing and Internet wasn't working, so I still have to catch up with everything.
After only one week, 2012 already seems so far behind.
Looking back, I think this past year changed me the most; I lost close relatives for the first time, one decided to leave us himself, and so I changed my consideration of life and people.
People came in and out of my life, though I don't regret anything anymore.
On a brighter note, I also had the chance to visit Japan (and am still trying to finish writing about the trip), went skiing twice (or almost 3 times) and got drunk more than any other year
Anyway! For the first time I'm determined to make the new year the best ever!
And here's for you my list of resolutions for 2013.
- Lose 5+ kg
- Try at least one new sport.
- Watch more than 41 movies (2012's total)
- Read more than 10 books (2012's total)
- Learn another language
- Visit a new city
- Make and meet new friends
Actually I'm quite confident with most of them. I'm supposed to go studying abroad next year (but nothing is clear yet) and already am in the middle of a weight loss (can you see the difference between my Japan trip and now?).
I hope to make new friends with this probable year abroad but also through my blog.
Oh and also! I need a better banner haha.

Wth! You DO NOT need to lose 5kg! I think you look great :D
RépondreSupprimerYou're so kind, thank you! (but I will definitely lose them haha)
Supprimertu serais supposée aller étudier où à l'étranger ?
RépondreSupprimer2013 je veux arriver à te voiiiiiir !!!!!!
j'adore la déco de ton blog :luv
Normalement Japon 6 mois et un autre pays 6 mois (je vais à l'agence ce mois-ci et ce sera sûr)
SupprimerOui, c'est sûr que cette année il faudrait enfin se voir !!
Good luck with your resolutions for 2013!! I can clearly see a difference in weight ♥ good job!
RépondreSupprimerThank you! That's good to hear ♥