For previous day see Moscow / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3
Sorry for the delay on my Japan related posts!
Moreover, it seems like these are the only intersting posts. Not that I'm starving for comments though! (^o^;)
Soo... The 4th day was on March 28th and we finally decided to go around Shibuya~ (‐^▽^‐) Yaay~

I miss waking up to this 。゚(T^T)゚。 And also this vending machine in front of the house (same as the 103856291947 others everywhere in the streets). And I miss Asakusa.
I think behind the white building we were already at the Sumida, very convenient ☆

This makes the wake up less smooth already. Maybe you can't tell from the pictures but we actually walked a lot (_ _。). Not that I hate walking, but while my legs' muscles are in quite good conditions, my feets are really weak.

Our small and messy room ☆

My dad cutting some fruits for breakfast in the shared living room.

Random subway shoots

At the Meiji Shrine near Shibuya (-^□^-) (okay my dad looks completly ridiculous here, but worst is to come the next day)

Melon soda (miss you tooo) for me and coffee for my dad, lazy mood. My hair and expression are weird, and now I realize I actually lost a bit of weight.

Walking on a bright and sunny day o(〃^▽^〃)o feels good!

Some barrels of sake donated to the shrine

And barrels of wine. Quoting the sign : "The barrels of wine to be consecrated at Meiji Jingu have been offered by the celebrated wineries of Bourgogne in France on the initiative of Mr. Yasuhiko Sata, owner of the Chateau de Chailly Hotel-Golf."

Posing like kids in front of the biggest wooden Torii of the Myôjin style in Japan ! It's actually not the original one (from 1920), this one was rebuilt in 1975 following the same exact form.

You can't realize how big this door is unless you went there!

And finally the main yard of the Meiji Shrine! Everybody is talking but it stays like the most peaceful and calm place in the world.
A comfortable atmosphere.

We bought one for two and left our prayer with the ones.
I had just lost my grandmother (my dad's mother) one month before and wanted to write a lot of things for her, my family, everywhere in the world and this wooden board was sooo small.
We wrote and left without talking, crying silently. I still have tears in my eyes writing this sooo... rest of the day!

Bye Meiji Shrine~

A cure! Sakura ice cream and matcha ice cream. Remedy to all the illnesses ☆

Harajuku Station seems to come right our of a Miyazaki movie.

Aurore instantly popped into my mind when I saw it! Kis-My-Ft2's promotion truck. I passed it so many times I finally was singing along to the song.

Takeshita doriii. I instantly regretted looking so ugly that day.

I remember explaining to my dad how crepes is a must eat in Shibuya and him keeping repeting how it's not so Japanese and he doesn't want to remember Europe while there.
And we finally ate crepes even in Kyoto... (  ̄っ ̄)

Hellooo fatty-me (。・ω・)ノ゙

Tokyu Plaza under construction

2NE1 truck and Big Bang truck ☆

My dad forced me to pose next to Hachiko. AND HE TOOK A BLURRY PICTURE ! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

That's when he told me "Oooh Yamapi !" like a fan haha. I was more like "109, 109 !" and didn't even realize Yamapi was there, half naked, with longer hair than mine.

Walked in the impressive WC store, with Kumatan swinging.
And then it was already about 7PM and we went to look for somewhere to eat.

Udon in kare kind of sauce. The right one was a Italian-Japanese style and was adding a bit of home in our food.

Impressive entrance of Mandarake that was already closed.

And we ate crepes again. Matcha-azuki one.

The famous Shibuya crossing

Aurore~ Look closer haha

One Piece themed subway о(ж>▽<)y ☆

I initially took this photo to send to my mom (cause yes, I have one)
That's all for Day 4~
Day 5 will be in Shibuya again + a visit of NHK ! Stay tuned (^_-)☆
Nice post ♥ I really enjoy looking at your pictures~ I'll be in Tokyo during the same time next's the weather? rainy? cold?
RépondreSupprimerAlso..was it hard to find the W♥C store?
Aww thank you ! ♥
SupprimerI think the weather was about... 15°C (?). There sometimes was a drizzle, so you can see I often wear a thin jacket, but when the sun was shining, my hoodie was enough :D.
And I found the W♥C store before even starting to search. I think it's in the street just next to the 109, you can't miss it :)
I plan to study in Japan next year, so if I'm there when you come, we HAVE to meet ! :D
And if you have any question to plan your trip, ask me~~
Oh, that would be great!
SupprimerI've been to Tokyo once and I think I got everything I have to plan beforehand, thank you very much for your offer though!
Last time I've been staying in Ikebukuro, this time it's Otsuka..I'm really excited about that.
I'll be there the last week of March & the first of April, let's meet if you're already there by then ♥
oohh seems so fun! you inspired me to go to japan someday with dad. must be fun ^0^ your pics are amazing! they told so much already. waiting for the next part :D
RépondreSupprimerThank you thank you ! (^o^)
SupprimerYeah you should go :D I wish everyone could go to Japan, it's an amazing experience, and food is good and cheap, and people are kind, and everything is clean and... just awesome !
I miss Japan so much after seeing your pictures! I can literally remember every picture you just posted and I've been into that shop and also posed next to the same picture of Yamapi in Shinjuku.. Damn!
RépondreSupprimerLove them pics ;D keep them coming!
Ah so you were there at about the same time ? But I know that feeling!
SupprimerThank you for always commenting ♥
I can say you had a BLAST of a time
RépondreSupprimerin Japan! So lucky you! You and dad
looks funny and so cute together c:
I will visit Japan someday, I MUST!
I did a lot of the same things you did when I was in Japan!! I really enjoyed reading this post from you :3 The part about your grandmother was so sweet.
RépondreSupprimerThank you for following my blog ^__^
Oh thank you for reading! You're the sweet one :)
Supprimerwooooow! what a picture load!!! I love tokyo and the pictures make me miss it so much! I probably already wrote that once but your dad is really cool! The matcha & sakura ice cream looks so delicous and you're right about the train station looking like it has come out of a miyazaki movie :) The one piece advertising signs are awesome!!
RépondreSupprimerHaha thank you for him (though he looks super serious on pictures, he's actually funny~)
RépondreSupprimerAnd thanks for commenting!
merci pour ton commentaire ^.^
RépondreSupprimerje vais surement galérer à marcher avec mais c'est pas grave elles sont trop belles *.*
Mon dieu sa a du être génial ton voyage au Japon, j'ai trop hate d'y aller aussi.