Lately, I've been trying to eat my breakfast in the kitchen, and not in front of the computer. I took a high-chair back from the cellar so I can eat on the movable work space.
Actually both the computers of my dad and I are on the table of the dining room/living room and it's all open between there and the kitchen, no door, no wall. That's why ('-^).

I bought the movie Apocalypse Now for 2,95€ a new game for Wii : No More Heroes ♥, 9,95€ ! Really, this game is good and pretty addictive (°∀°). There's also 2 cans of paint for my mom (she asked me red paint but we had a call of 15 minutes because there's too many things, I didn't know !), my iPhone, and Premiere, a magazine about film critics.

On the way home, we bought roast chestnuts. It was really nothing but chestnuts, no sugar, honey or wathever (・ω・) ! I tried to ate these like that and as written on the package "2 minutes in the microwave". And it's as good as when you buy it in the winter streets ♥ (☆。☆).
I've also been into crushed ice о(ж>▽<)y ☆

Yesterday's dinner (^w^)

Yesterday's dinner (^w^)
Seing crushed ice makes me want to make Ice cafe latte ♥~
RépondreSupprimerI want to try to make some cocktails and meals these times :/
miam ça a l'air bon tout ça :D
RépondreSupprimerpunaise le prix c'est vraiment pas cher pour le dvd et le jeu wii =D
happy birthday to your friend and i like eating icecubes tehe :p and the food looks so yummy :3
RépondreSupprimerthe food looks delicious here !! and thanks for the comment of my blog :D You're lucky school opens really late for you. I'm actually in summer school right now, so it explains why my summer is so short T^T
RépondreSupprimerHi there! Thanks so much for stopping buy and joining my giveaway!
RépondreSupprimerSuch fun things. So adorable.