Yesterday my dad, some childhood friends and I went to Esperanzah! , a festival where you enjoy almost more the atmosphere or the food than the music (-^□^-). This is a world music festival, you can't have Coca Cola and the beer is bio (and not really good, between...)

Beautiful and creatives decorations (。・ω・)ノ゙

There are lots of food from all around the world (θωθ)/~. I wish I had taken more pictures ((>д<)). So... we ate a lot (TωT)

We saw Jupiter & Ma Shi Faï, Blue King Brown, OqueStrada, Asa (who improvised a song with some simple French words), Chinese Man, etc... ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ
Really GREAT as always ! We had chance with the weather. Even though it already looks like fall, here, it was very sunny until midnight when it started raining. Before the last concert there was the most beautiful fireworks I've ever seen ! (☆。☆)
Festivals, anyone ?
Han ça a l'air bien, je veux aller aux festivals aussi !
RépondreSupprimerDemain je posterai sur mon livejournal! Ca me donne envie à te voir bloguer comme ça~
J'espère que tu vas bien ! ('3')/
Ca a l'air super =D
RépondreSupprimerEsperanzah me dit jamais rien, surtout parce que j'ai l'impression que je vais dépenser mon argent plus à boire et à manger qu'à mater les concerts qui ne me disent rien :/. Mais cool que tu te sois amusée \o/.
Looks like a super fun festival! Great photos.
Wow, are those kites of paper things in the trees?! All the food looks amazing and it must be nice to be able to try foods from around the world in a heartbeat!
RépondreSupprimeri love the last photo with the bright lights ^^ and im so hungry with the food photos XD
RépondreSupprimerLol "You can't have cocacola but the beer is bio"
RépondreSupprimerSounds like a nice event, especially food from around the world!
Looks like so much fun! ^^